Welcome to The Bougie Black Blogger, I am CicelyRenee the creator of this bougie blog! The name Bougie Black Blogger came from my friend/coworker. She said you are just so bougie but in a positive way. Then she said you should change your blog name to the Bougie Black Blogger and I loved it! So I did. The blog is here to share bougie finds such as people, artists, businesses, products and more. It is to enlighten, excite and entertain the minds of the readers.
You may be wondering what is Bougie… You might ask, why do you want to be bougie or thinking it is a negative characteristic. But I assure you as the sky is blue bougie is all positive in my light! There are levels of bougie and I am at a good level!
Being bougie is all about having class with a little sass. It is being tasteful and enjoying the finer things in life. Well maybe you are like me bougie on a budget and you look fly on a dime but people do not need to know that! You can find deals and steals and look like a million bucks! You better werk it!
Am I bougie because I love brunch on the weekends? I just think brunch is a must and bring on the Mimosas nonstop. We love good food and great restaurants but you can keep the chain restaurants give me locally owned and black owned! Give me restaurants ethnically based- I am not an American foodie. Let the place be decked out with an amazing rustic vibe, or bright lights and chic décor- let me feel like a queen in this beautiful establishment.
Bring on the cutesy items, bougie on a budget for me is Marshall’s, TJ Maxx, Home Goods and other stores of the same. Give me cute journals, candles and art. Quote my walls up with fabulous sayings of how good it is to be a diva, or to dance and live like you rule the world. Walmart or Target? Girl please there is no comparison. Give me Target or give me death… Walmart is seriously last resort. I don’t even want to think about Walmart… they gets no more space in this post!
Starbucks? Yes… and many cute coffee shops. I am a bougie coffee snob read about my ode to coffee here. I like Sparkling water? Yes- I think it is just my taste buds… Give me co-ops to shop in… I have yet to shop ONLY organic… Remember bougie on a budget.
Bougie beauties that inspire me:
Tracey Ellis-Ross
First Lady Michelle Obama
Kerry Washington
Angela Bassett
Cicely Tyson
Marjory Harvey
Diahann Carol
Lena Horne
Tika Sumpter
Tia Mowry
Tamara Mowry
Just to name a few…
My latest addiction for TV is Being Mary Jane- maybe because she is a bougie beauty that has a fabulous career, dresses fancy, likes the finer things in life including gorgeous educated men.
I want to host fabulous parties like Phaedra from the Real Housewives of Atlanta.
I am sorry to say, I CANNOT STAND TYLER PERRY MOVIES AND PLAYS- or other shows that over do their acting!
I am a wine snob as well! In a fancy glass with great accessories. Check these accessories out.
Being bougie is a way of life, a lifestyle it does not mean bougie women are better than any other type of woman- we just have different interests.
I read this blog with 32 Things Bougie People Like and only a few are in my lifestyle. They must have interviewed a different breed of bougie people. Here are some of my favorites:
- Milk products that come from basically anyplace but cows. That’s pretty bougie. I’m talking rice milk, soy milk, almond milk, sheep’s milk, goat’s milk. Why isn’t regular milk good enough for people anymore?
- Virtually anything artisanal. I bet you they don’t have anything artisanal at the local Big Lots. Why does bougie food need to be so precious that artisans have to craft it before it hath be edible?
- Regular, everyday foods that get bouge-ified. Like apples. An apple is something that just grows on a tree and you can just pluck it and eat it right there. That’s the point. But did you know that for $30 you can get a single gourmetapple covered in various artesian chocolates and sprinkles? A $30 apple!
THIS RIGHT HERE- GIVE ME GOURMET APPLES… OMGeeee I have paid $10 for many!

Well I make no apologies for what I like and who I am! And I hope you come back for the writings I will share on this blog. Be sure to subscribe and share!
Thank you so much for coming by!
Peace and Blessings,
Cicely Renee