Nina Lewis, She Is Me Friday Feature

Celebrating people is one of my favorite things to do! Whether they got the job offer, started a new hobby, or said “NO” or “YES” whatever it is as long as it is uplifting, I am celebrating! I am excited to begin the She Is Me Friday Feature where women reflect the love of Christ in their everyday lives! It could be their career, parenthood, social media, wifely life, whatever the role, or the many hats, we are here to honor those women! If you know a woman that we should celebrate, send them this link!

She Is Me

Nina Lewis, She Is Me

Tell me a little about you, your roles, and how you balance it all!

My mind is an open Internet browser! It is always uploading and downloading sometimes at the same time. I think knowledge is my love language. As a full-time, corporate educator, entrepreneur, Kingdom worker, content creator, and podcaster balance is a must. First and foremost, discipline, prioritizing, scheduling, and allowing breaks when needed!

How has your relationship with Christ influenced the way you approach your roles…

I approach Him first! Taking time to pray, read my word, study, meditate, and fast has strengthened my path, and approach to life. Slowing me down allowing my moves to be more intentional and purposeful.

What are some life lessons you’ve learned through juggling your different hats?

Pace! Just because it hasn’t happened, doesn’t mean it won’t happen. Obedience is better than sacrifice.

Can you share a particularly challenging moment in your journey and how your faith sustained you?

Three years ago, I fell into a deep depression and lost my relationship with God. Deep down I had faith and belief that God was a Way-maker and would bring me out of my hole. He’d done it before! My depression had consumed me to a place of anxiety and panic attacks. Non-stop deep conversations with God and daily faith leaps helped me find my way out of the darkness.

In what ways do you incorporate your faith into your everyday life and interactions?

I simply believe it’s going to be alright. No matter what comes my way, traffic, bad customer service, unexpected bills. I know that God’s promises are “yes and amen” so I keep faith and stand fast on how I move, respond, and or let myself think.

How do you seek to serve and minister to others in your daily life?

Every day is not Sunday and everybody doesn’t go to church so some people will never get to see or witness what true fellowship feels like. I like to use my everyday interactions with others to minister and demonstrate what the body of Christ feels and looks like. Just treating a person kindly, patiently, being understanding, and showing compassion; even being vulnerable are some of the ways I minister the gospel of God in my daily life.

How do you handle moments of doubt or uncertainty in your faith journey?

I lean on my community! God will always send a Paul, Peter, and or a John to support you on your journey. The Bible gives us countless examples of God supplying not only things and places, but also people when His people were in need, and I believe that he does that for us as well. So I tap into my divine resources.

Can you share a specific instance where you felt God’s guidance or presence in your life, especially about one of your roles?

There was a time at work when I was being falsely accused and almost attacked for something I did not do. I’d had enough and I wanted to walk away. I heard God tell me that my assignment was bigger than my position.

What encouragement would you offer to other women who may be struggling to find balance or purpose in their multiple roles?

Make a choice of who you want to serve and stand firm on it! When you focus only on God, He will guide and direct your path. His path may not be clear, and it may not be the intended path you want to take, but it leads to certainty. When you focus on other stuff your path is uncertain and all over the place. All in all it’s a choice.

How do you prioritize self-care and spiritual nourishment amidst your busy schedule?

There’s a day of worship, and there’s a day of rest I give God His day and I take mine. No matter how busy you are you have to allow yourself time to relax, it’s a priority. The same way I listen to my body when it needs nourishment I listen to my spirit and I try to make sure not to ever deplete myself nor run on empty spiritually. Daily deposits of the Word help me stay spiritually, balanced.

Can you share a piece of wisdom or a Bible verse that has been particularly impactful for you in your journey?

John 3:16 God loved me before I was even thought of He loves me so much that He gave His own Son so I can live. No matter how lonely this world can get God loved me first, that combats my toughest days. I am loved!

What is your go-to worship song?

Travis Greene Intentional

I hope this encouraged you! I pray peace and love to you and yours!

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She Sits At His Feet

God First! Christian Lifestyle Blog and ministry for women to dive into the Word of GOD. Founder and Executive of the Creative Wellness Project, a creative arts ministry. Located in Lewisville, TX and virtually! I am an artist and an author.

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