Manifesting a Creative Lifestyle

Everyone is Creative, you just have to find what inspires you and step in that lane! 


Last week was my birthday and I hit the wild age of 36 and was blessed to spend it in DC with my aunt and cousins! One thing I love about DC is the arts and culture. Randomly hearing a live jazz band on the corner of this house driving through the neighborhood… seeing the street art from social justice posters to murals… walking into stores that honored and proudly displayed people’s art and crafts that you could purchase… DC is amazing and I am always inspired when I travel there.

The inspiration opened my eyes… I was seeking… and ideas flooded my mind… I couldn’t wait to get home to create…

Many times, when I talk about creating for healing, I don’t always mean the physical activities… but more so the experience of being inspired… and then acknowledging it and seeking ways to DO it! 

This is all about the manifesting stage of your creative side and not so much creating visual art but being able to use things around you, thoughts, things, etc to think of amazing things. Think about chefs, the process of creating new ways to serve chicken. Or think about people who present data… they can’t just give the data, they have to use those numbers to paint a picture, tell a story that helps us understand the numbers. I know my serial entrepreneurs know what I am talking about… what is another way to make money? Anyhoo… we are talking about manifesting the inspiration to being able to create! 

Foundation of Manifesting a Creative Lifestyle

This Week’s Challenge

As we manifest a creative lifestyle, we are seeking wisdom, inspiration, guides and more. The messages, the challenges, the implorations… are as followed

1- Be like the Falcon and Seek to Listen- Falcons are always alert, they are expecting and with those expectations they know how to filter the good from the mess. 

2- Find your voice- not only find it but trust it. Disconnect from all things technical…  a walk to listen to the natural sounds, praying, meditating doing some yoga… When you find your voice, listen to what it says.

3-Clean your house- Not literally but maybe… but there are things around you that pull from your creativity and a clear mind. Remove things mentally and physically allows space for opportunities.

Manifesting Creativity


The times I felt the most creative was when…

The type of people that inspire me to think on a deeper level are, ______ and why?



Take a walk in the woods, or around the lake, take time to look at the flowers, the leaves, the trees, the dirt… Look for messages.. listen


Focus on your breathing… breathe in the fresh air, let it fill your lungs as you connect with the wind around you. Listen to the wind… the music… feel the wind.. is it warm


Light candles or a bonfire… watch the flames, the shapes, the smoke… listen to the flickering of the flames. Feel the warmth… smell the aroma


Slowly drink room temperature water and feel it as it coats your mouth. Feel it as it glides down your throat. See if you can feel the water that you are made of… your muscles, the tears, your hair. Tell the water to hydrate dry areas. 

Stay tuned for part 2…

Let me know what you think in the comments below!

Check out the last post, Art Crawl.

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She Sits At His Feet

God First! Christian Lifestyle Blog and ministry for women to dive into the Word of GOD. Founder and Executive of the Creative Wellness Project, a creative arts ministry. Located in Lewisville, TX and virtually! I am an artist and an author.

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