God Is Calling You To Reach

The culture has put a negative spin on the word, “reaching”, it is like every opinion or idea about something is reaching which means it is far from the truth! Thank God we aren’t reaching out to fit the culture’s norms. When we reach out to God for everything, we access healing, freedom, peace, grace, and salvation! That’s the amazing gift we get but if we aren’t then we will miss out on the most important thing ever! Sis, God is calling you to reach out to Him… let’s chat.

I am going through the bible in 52 weeks and this is week 10. Mark is one of the books we are reading and today’s reading included Mark 5. As I read the chapter, a familiar passage was highlighted by the Holy Spirit. In verses 21-34, we read about Jesus walking through a huge multitude and was met with a father asking for healing for his daughter. It is so packed that Jesus is being pressed on by the people. This leads us to the woman with the issue of the blood where she heard about Jesus and had to go see for herself. She said if she could just touch the hem of His garment, she would be healed. She does and Jesus feels the power come out of Him and asks who touched me. The disciples respond there are many people touching you, how could you ask this?

4 Things to Think About

  1. Verse 24 states that there were people that pressed in on Him. Which is a transitional statement and is important to connect us to the next set of verses. But why is it important? See point 4.
  2. She heard about Jesus. There is so much here let’s see
    • She heard about Jesus, she has never seen Him but all the people are talking about Jesus which made her want to go see for herself
    • She is ceremonially unclean, she has been ostracized, cast out, and not able to participate in worship services
    • Thoughts- your testimony will help people! Tell about the goodness of God!
  3. She had weird faith, a faith that believes touching cloth could heal you. She tried it anyways and was healed immediately.
    • She had to do this in secret because she was ceremonially unclean. She could have been like the man that approached Jesus yet, the crowd would have stopped her.
  4. Many people pressed on Him but only one was healed. So what was the difference?
    • Many of us run into Jesus daily yet do not experience His power. We attend church on Sundays yet are unchanged. We are a lukewarm Christian
    • The woman was on a mission and she REACHED out to Jesus, the one where her help comes from. Her weird faith of believing that touching the clothes that hang from Jesus would heal her. She knew that because of her unclean state she couldn’t directly touch Jesus and see and talk to Him but just getting close, that is all she needed.

God Is Calling You to Reach

Time is up for bumping into Jesus and just going about our day. Time is up for being a lukewarm Christian. God is calling you to reach to Him so your life can forever be changed. The thing is, it cannot stop there, we must reach to Him for everything, meaning we are engaging with Him daily and throughout the day. We are sharing His good news with others. We are being the light in the world, directing others to Jesus.


Spend time this week reflecting on areas you need to reach God in. So many times we go to everyone else and then the last resort is our Heavenly Father. How can we get out of the lukewarm pool and dive into the deep end where we are on fire for Christ?


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She Sits At His Feet

God First! Christian Lifestyle Blog and ministry for women to dive into the Word of GOD. Founder and Executive of the Creative Wellness Project, a creative arts ministry. Located in Lewisville, TX and virtually! I am an artist and an author.

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