Gap Year 101 What Parents Need To Know

When is the best time to plan a Gap Year? At anytime!

However, the earlier, the better.

As a teacher and a past graduate of high school and college… I can sense when students are ready to go straight to college and when they could use a break in between. I went to college right after high school and felt so behind and also did not know what I wanted to do so I changed my major 5 times which was a total waste of money and time. I wish I knew about Gap Years when I was on my college search. I wish I had services like You Soar Tutoring and College Prep to help guide me.

So I want to help parents in that area by providing resources and information.

What is a Gap Year?

This is a strategic year taken off from attending college right away. It can also be between your years in college if one needs a break.

A Gap Year enlightens, educates and adds value to a young person’s life and resume.

I wrote an article a few years ago, College Guide 101, where I briefly touched on Gap Year Programs. Be sure to check that out.

Benefits of a Taking A Gap Year

  • Builds confidence and skills that will help them in college and in the workforce
  • Helps them realize where they want to go career-wise and strategically choose a degree and classes
  • Helps decompress from high school (it can and most definitely is so stressful)
  • Gain work experience
  • Travel options
  • Better sense of self
  • Value education/college more
  • Exposure to new experiences which grows mindset and tolerance for ideas that they are not normally used to

Fears of Taking a Gap Year

  • Many students and parents are afraid that they will not go to college if they take a year off. However, 90% of students who took a gap year returned to college within a year. (WSJ)
  • Fear of losing out on scholarships. In 2016, Gap Year Association Members and Provisional Members gave more than $4.2 million in scholarships and needs-based grants. [2016 GYA survey]
  • Fear they will lose their admission. Many Universities encourage students to take a Gap Year. Many have their own programs. So be sure to speak to your admissions representative to understand options. Here are 35 Universities that support.
  • Fear of being behind peers. Most students do not finish in 4 years due to burnout and other reasons. Taking a Gap Year, helps the student stay focused and more invested because of their Gap Year.

How to Talk To Your Child About Taking a Gap Year

So maybe you think your child is not mature enough to go off to college yet and would like for them to attend a Gap Year. Or maybe, their grades were not the best and they do not have much on their resume when it comes to extracurricular programs that looks good to colleges. Maybe, your child does not know what they want to do in colleges, so why waste time and money. Whatever the reason, you want to encourage your child to take a Gap Year and want to say it in a way that motivates them and not discourages them.

Ways to Encourage Your Child to take a Gap Year

  • Do research together. Let them do most of the guiding though. You just ask questions and be a support system
  • Show them this list of 100 famous people that took a year off of college to complete a Gap Year program.
  • Put everything on the table… have an open discussion of finances/financial aid, the college they want to attend, what they are expecting, pros and cons of taking a gap year… put it all out there in an honest and genuine discussion and see where it goes from there.

Finding A Gap Year Program

Wanting to travel abroad? API Abroad has an awesome website where you can see all of the programs that will take you overseas. This website provides information on Gap Years for high school, college students and adults. They even have options for the fall semester, quarter system, summer, spring and academic years. There are options to teach abroad, intern abroad, and participate in summer programs. Find study abroad programs in Europe, Africa, Asia, Australia, and the Americas. Programs for all areas of study including math, science, business, art and more

I did AmeriCorps between undergrad and grad year. The program I completed was called City Year, and I did mine in Miami! It was lovely! Many of my friends did it right after high school and ended up getting a full-ride to Miami-Dade. AmeriCorps also gives $5000+ for school for each year they serve. You volunteer for 10 months in so many different areas, education, health, environment, and more.

Another great resource that has tons of information is Gap Year Association. Here you kind find plenty of resources and programs to help you search for a great program.

Alternatives to Gap Year Programs

So yes, Gap Years cost money! But there are ways to create your own Gap Year program and be mindful of costs. You Soar helps with Designing A Gap Year Program You Love. The key things you need to know are

  1. End Goals- what do you want to achieve in a year
  2. Having Accountability- When you do not have a program, you don’t have someone there to direct your moves, so making sure parents are involved, maybe a mentor, and some others you may trust.
  3. Being strategic, not just having goals but actually making a year-long plan and building the connections that need to be created.

Read more about You Soar’s Creating a Gap Year You Love.

Well, I hope that helps you out a bit. Be sure to do your research and connect with people that know.

I highly encourage you to check out You Soar’s College Prep services to help high school students in the college planning process.

Stay tuned!

Peace and Blessings!

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She Sits At His Feet

God First! Christian Lifestyle Blog and ministry for women to dive into the Word of GOD. Founder and Executive of the Creative Wellness Project, a creative arts ministry. Located in Lewisville, TX and virtually! I am an artist and an author.

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