Mental Well-Being For Kids, Let’s Get Back To School on a Good Note

I exited the classroom in May 2021 like so many however, it seems like so many more teachers are leaving this year for many reasons, leaving students with not the best setup academically speaking. The teacher shortage is real. 1,000s of vacancies nationwide. They are asking police officers, retired people, and others to fill vacancies which is astounding especially when you think about the schooling, the testing, and certifications we needed to be a “highly qualified” educator. Yes, the situation is all types of messed up but the kids still need to be educated and we need to focus on their mental well-being.

Parents, I know you want your child to do their best and be their best so that they will have ample opportunities in life. Attending school takes up a huge portion of their life, it helps define them but because the teachers are so short-staffed and stressed, they will not be able to dedicate quality time to your children.

Think about it, Covid, the Pandemic… set students back drastically and teachers will not have time to catch every student up. Although I am a full-time entrepreneur, I have a part-time job as a Virtual College and Career Coach and I have a close look at the students, their grades, test scores, their college acceptance letters, and financial award packages they receive and let me tell you education is not fair and access is limited. I have to have real conversations with these students and their families letting them know they will have to look for other options and helping them find private loans because of their situations, it is not fun. The mental well-being of the kids is a struggle but then also their parents who have no clue is even more challenging.

This blog is to give you a Back To School Mental Well-Being Success Guide For Kids to help them maneuver life’s challenges, and build confidence and character so that they can be prepared for life and everything that gets thrown at them.

3 Ways to Practice Mental Well-Being for Kids

  • Group projects and activities– Build those relationships with your children by doing hands on activities. YES, put the phones away. Find a meal, arts and craft, hobby, that you can do together that allows room for conversation.
  • Get outdoors– One thing I know for certain is that when you get that fresh air, that sun kiss, that music from nature, it will definitely put you in a place of tranquility. Create a new hobby where you spend time outdoors, YES, put the phones away. It can be a nature trail, bird watching, gardening, etc. We are from this Earth so connecting or reconnecting will allow mental well-being easier to access.
  • Invite others– Sometimes it can be challenging for you to do it all your own. You can join a group, a class, friends and do something as a group. Being around others helps us reflect, helps us empathize, helps us create meaning and so much more! YES, put the phones away!

3 Routines to Create for Mental Well-Being

Morning Routines– What you do in the morning will set the tone for the day. So many times, kids would come to my classroom unprepared, flustered, and confused. Those students were usually the ones failing and sleeping in classes. Creating a morning routine will help guide your child for success in the school day but also in life. Some ideas:

  • Prayer and meditation– This can include mantras and I am statements. This can be in the car on the way to school it can be music.
  • Breakfast– Healthy breakfast is always a win. Hungry kids rarely learn and focus. If you have to get up an hour earlier, then do it! Maybe staying up an hour later to prepare will be better. But whatever you do make it a habit for happiness.
  • Fitness– Stretches and Yoga right after you get out of bed allows your brain to slow down and focus on what is important. No need for an hour run, that is exhausting but something that gets the blood flowing. Jumping on a trampoline helps detox the lymphatic system which improves circulation and mood. You can even just hop in place for 5 minutes.

After School Routines

  • Transitions are ideal– Schools have transistional times between classes and learning, it is important to have that in real life. Maybe incorporating snacks or change of music to help end the day at school and focus on the next part of your day.
  • Relaxation– Yes, little children love naps but older kids and adults need a time of relation and decompression before heading into the next part of life. Do not think that you can go from school to homework and be mentally and emotionally available. Maybe incorporate journaling or something creative.

Other Routines to Consider

  • Evening Routines, right before going to bed.
  • Weeked Routines– think about Sunday to set the tone for the week or Fridays to end the week for a weekend of fun
  • Holiday Routines– yes you are on a break but that doesn’t mean you break from everything or does it?

Mental Well-Being Resources and Activities

Books to Read

This teen guidebook is one of a kind! Its principles deliver a basic foundation of psychological and social concepts and ideas that have existed for ages. If you have a teenager or work with teens, this is a great little investment for their future. These principles are not taught in school, they are taught in life.

This small guidebook simply lists 40 various life success principles, a coordinating quote, and a reflection question attached to each principle. It is a short read each page accounts for one principle. The principles are written in big and

bold letters so as to be easily viewed as one flips through the guidebook. My experience as a 15-year veteran high school teacher has taught me that most teens would rather look at pictures and big words than read large amounts of fine print. My hope is that every teen who will study and apply these 40 principles will embark on a journey of self-discovery, a life journey that holds meaning and purpose.

Buy it here.

This teen guidebook is one of a kind! Its principles deliver a basic foundation of psychological and social concepts and ideas that have existed for ages. If you have a teenager or work with teens, this is a great little investment for their future. These principles are not taught in school, they are taught in life.

This small guidebook simply lists 40 various life success principles, a coordinating

quote, and a reflection question attached to each principle. It is a short read

as each page accounts for one principle. The principles are written in big and

bold letters so as to be easily viewed as one flips through the guidebook. My experience as a 15-year veteran high school teacher has taught me that most teens would rather look at pictures and big words than read large amounts of fine print. My hope is that every teen who will study and apply these 40 principles will embark on a journey of self-discovery, a life journey that holds meaning and purpose.

Buy it here.

Maya Angelou’s brave, defiant poem celebrates the courage within each of us, young and old. From the scary thought of panthers in the park to the unsettling scene of a new classroom, fearsome images are summoned and dispelled by the power of faith in ourselves.
Angelou’s strong words are matched by the daring vision of artist Jean-Michel Basquiat, whose childlike style reveals the powerful emotions and fanciful imaginings of childhood. Together, Angelou’s words and Basquiat’s paintings create a place where every child, indeed every person, may experience his or her own fearlessness.
This brilliant introduction to poetry and contemporary art features brief biographies of Angelou and Basquiat and an afterword from the editor. A selected bibliography of Angelou’s books and a selected museum listing of Basquiat’s works open the door to further inspiration through the fine arts. 

Buy it here.

There’s no getting around it. You need to know how to manage money to know how to manage life ― but most of us don’t! This illustrated guidebook from New York Times bestselling author and financial expert Jean Chatzky, Kathryn Tuggle, and their team at HerMoney breaks down the basics of money―how to earn it, manage it, and use it―giving you all the tools you need to take charge and be fearless with personal finance.

How to Money will teach you the ins and outs of:
-creating a budget (and sticking to it)
-scoring that first job (and what that paycheck means)
-navigating student loans (and avoiding student debt)
-getting that first credit card (and what “credit” is)
-investing like a pro (and why it’s important!)

All so you can earn more, save smart, invest wisely, borrow only when you have to, and enjoy everything you’ve got!

Buy it here.

Learn how to overcome anxiety, self-doubt & self-sabotage without needing to rely on motivation or willpower.

Although pain is inevitable, suffering is optional.

This book offers a completely new paradigm and understanding of where our human experience comes from, allowing us to end our own suffering and create how we want to feel at any moment.

In This Book, You’ll Discover:

  • The root cause of all psychological and emotional suffering and how to end it
  • How to become unaffected by negative thoughts and feelings
  • How to experience unconditional love, peace, and joy in the present, no matter what our external circumstances look like
  • How to instantly create a new experience of life if you don’t like the one you’re in right now
  • How to break free from a negative thought loop when we inevitably get caught in one
  • How to let go of anxiety, self-doubt, self-sabotage, and any self-destructive habits
  • How to effortlessly create from a state of abundance, flow, and ease
  • How to develop the superpower of being okay with not knowing and uncertainty
  • How to access your intuition and inner wisdom that goes beyond the limitations of thinking

No matter what has happened to you, where you are from, or what you have done, you can still find total peace, unconditional love, complete fulfillment, and an abundance of joy in your life.

Buy it here.


The well-rounded child– Many colleges are looking for students with ambition, motivation, experience,leadership skills, and overall mental well-being. This not only is helpful for college but for life. Students who have volunteered, led initiatives, participated in leadership organizations have a much higher success rate in life than those who just attend classes and go home.

3 Tips

  • Intern at places that are relevant to your child’s life goals– EXPERIENCE is KING! If your child wants to be a Librarian, have them intern at your local livrary. Have them have be the Librarian’s assistant. Have them learn and build those resume skills so that when they go to school, they have a more engaging and enriching experience that they can contribute to.
  • Create a club or organize a fundraiser– This develops soooo many skills. Leadership, delegation, time-management, communication, collboration and so many more. Have them focus on something they are passionate about and create a solution or event to help that passion.
  • Build close relationships with teachers, admin, and local leaders– Your child will need references and connections. This is that type of world where you get far if you know the right people. Make sure your child has at least two teachers they are close with that will write recommendations. Also, when they know your student, any opportunities that cross their way, they will be like, “Oh, Kendra would be perfet for this.”


Guided Journals are EVERYTHING. Students are dealing with a lot. Help them process their thoughts and feelings in a constructive way. Here are some awesome guided journals that help our young people connect to who they are and who they want to be.

40+ Self-Reflection Prompts, Challenges, and Activities to dive deep into who we are at any point in life! Dive deep into self identity, self-care, self-love, and more. Reflections, journaling, activities and more to help guide you on this journey.

Buy it here.

  • EMPOWER TEENS & TWEENS: This growth mindset workbook encourages children age 11+ to dream about their future. The guided journal for teens and tweens helps them develop resilience, gratitude and positivity.
  • POSITIVE PSYCHOLOGY: Show teens the power of their own mind – this is a writing journal for teens to learn the importance of self-talk and how their mindset is shaped by their thoughts.
  • TURN DREAMS INTO GOALS: The inspirational teen journal allows them to dream up their future life and the goal planner shows how to turn their BIG dreams into a series of achievable goals.
  • DISCOVER INTERESTS: With fun activities and writing prompts, this is an engaging interactive journal for teens to discover their true interests – it’s the teen and tween journal they will want to use!
  • BEAUTIFUL KEEPSAKE: The perfect teen journal for boys and girls, this growth mindset book has a durable hardcover and 160 pages of high-quality paper. The life goals journal turns into a great keepsake.

Buy it here.

Mindfulness Journal for Kids

Question a Day Journal for Kids: 365 Days to Capture Memories and Express Yourself

I AM A LEADER: A 90-Day Leadership Journal for Kids (Ages 8 – 12) 

Creative Outlets

Exposure is KING… I know, I literally just said experience is king earlier… but they all are needed to have success in this thing called life. I remember working and living in Miami, I stayed on the beach and the kids I worked with that live 15 miles from the beach said they have never seen it in real life. I was in shock, like I take the bus and I see it everyday. But, their reality was survival mode. So imgine living 15 miles from the ocean and never seeing it what it can limit for those minds. It takes transporation to get there. You see many different people because it is a tourist destination. You see the fancy hotels and apartments. The stores and restaurants. How people are dressed. The people that work in these areas… They were never exposed so they have a limited outlook on life.

If you do not expose your children to different activities and places, your child’s mind and goals will be limited, stunting their growth.

3 Creative Outlets for Mental Well-Being for Kids

  • Museums and Art Galleries-They are so inundated by “creative” people on TikTok, the stupid challenges, the focus on out appearance, and just fast fame from being silly that they think that is all to life. Imagine exposing them to artists such as Basquiat, Dali, and Matisse. What about literature written by Langston Hughes, Maya Angelou, and James Baldwin. What about taking them to see theater, live bands, and street artists. This would help them come up with their own beliefs and be inspired.
  • Creative Classes-There are teachers like me exposing young minds to creative geniuses and empowering them to find their creative voice through different mediums. May it be art, reading, or other activities, let kids tap into MORE! Check out my creative art classes here. One of my favorite platforms that offer classes is Outschool and there are some amazing dope teachers out there.
  • International Exploration– Whether it is food, clothing, music, rituals, etc, diving into other’s cultures will make a huge impact. Immerse them into a language camp or make it a goal to eat at restaurant each weekend from a different culture. Then talk about it, maybe not the things you do not like but more so the things you appreciate or notice.

Anyhoo, there is so much more I could talk about on this topic, but I hope this has you thinking of ways to support your child this upcoming year as it relates to mental well-being.

Stay tuned for more.

Check out this article on different black virtual educators!

Let me know if you have any questions or concerns. I will be putting together Zoom workshops for teens and families bi-monthly! If you are interested, signup here.

In this article, there are links that will buy me coffee if you click on it! Please buy me coffee!! (Affiliate links)

Peace and Blessings,


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She Sits At His Feet

God First! Christian Lifestyle Blog and ministry for women to dive into the Word of GOD. Founder and Executive of the Creative Wellness Project, a creative arts ministry. Located in Lewisville, TX and virtually! I am an artist and an author.

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