Obedience, Faith, & Cinnamon Rolls w/ Kimberly Matthews
One thing that I am learning in my faith walk is that obedience to God will have you doing some crazy things! It will have you traveling to a land you know nothing about leaving your family behind. It will have you building an ark and you have no idea what an ark is. It…
Oh Taste And See | Daily Devotional
One thing about Christianity is that if you want to experience the fullness of the Lord then you have to have an open heart. Many people approach Christianity like a buffet, where they can pick and choose what they want based on what they like. Even if the special for the day was something they…
Laugh Sis Laugh | Daily Devotional
A merry heart does good, like medicine, but a broken spirit dries the bones. Proverbs 12:22 When’s the last time you truly laughed, like from deep down, that belly laugh? Like when did tears stream down your face and your tummy began to cramp from laughing so hard? That’s that good medicine! If you haven’t…