
Christmas Hack

  • Thriving After Divorce: Depression in My Marriage…

    As I reflected on my life in marriage, I see so many times where I was depressed and didn’t seek much help. I did not know I was depressed. I thought I was just sad or unhappy. I began drinking more wine and just wanted to be alone. I didn’t want to visit anyone in…

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  • Thriving After Divorce: I took my last name back

    Juliet: “What’s in a name? That which we call a rose By any other name would smell as sweet.” Romeo and Juliet (II, ii, 1-2) I am a firm believer that names should mean something and by something I mean greatness. So many people are out there naming their children made up names which in…

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  • Thriving After Divorce: Officially Divorced

    It was Dec. 9, 2014 when I told my aunt, “I think my marriage is over” which was a few weeks before he admitted that he wanted a divorce. I remember going to the movies with a friend about a week after and saw my pastor and first lady and they asked where he was…

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