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Scopology with Cicely and Hannah


BougieBlackBloggerScopology with Cicely and Hannah

Welcome to #Scopology where our mission is to help you become #Scopologist mastering in the art of scoping. Tips and topics to help you build your following and heart love.

Before starting make sure you are following @MethodicalMom and @CicelyRenee (Bougie Black Blogger) as these are the group admins.

1) Introduce yourself, tell us what brought you here and what you want to scope on
2) Make sure to follow each other, share, and give mad heart love
3) When participating in challenges and topics make sure to put #Scopology in subject so that we know who is participating

Check out Hannah who will be posting tips and challenges from her bloghttp://www.themethodicalmom.com/

and Cicely’s blog where I will be posting tips and challenges as wellwww.bougieblackblogger.com


Scope Training- Private sessions

Challenge Parties



Ready to take the challenge? Join the facebook group Scopologist with Hannah and Cicely

Check out the latest challenges and tips here.


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