Oh Taste And See | Daily Devotional

One thing about Christianity is that if you want to experience the fullness of the Lord then you have to have an open heart. Many people approach Christianity like a buffet, where they can pick and choose what they want based on what they like. Even if the special for the day was something they didn’t like but never tried it that way, they still would be like nope, not going to try it! God is like just taste and see, and we are like, meh I prefer it this way. God is not a buffet, His blessings you can’t just pick and choose. You have to be open to tasting what He has for you, trust me, it will blow your mind. We have experienced different things that the world offers and have been let down and that puts walls up, but God is not like man!

Oh Taste And See

Oh, taste and see that the LORD is good;
Blessed is the man who trusts in Him!
Oh, fear the LORD, you His saints!
There is no want to those who fear Him.
The young lions lack and suffer hunger;
But those who seek the LORD shall not lack any good thing.
Psalms 34:8-10

When you taste and see, not with a closed mind or heart, your encounter will take your senses to another level. When you let go and taste, you show Him you trust in Him. And we see a man that trusts in the Lord is blessed! Because we tasted, it shows that we trusted, because we trusted, that shows that we fear Him, and because of that, we are truly blessed. We will have no want for anything, we will not lack any good thing!

Tasting and seeing, is a daily thing and sometimes we get so busy with life, we like to be in control, or something else grabs our attention. Remember to trust in the Lord, and rely on Him for everything you need. You do not have to do it all.

Journal Prompts

  • Write about a time when you tasted and saw just how good God is? What was it like? What happened?
  • Write a list of good things that the Lord has blessed you with.


Dear Father God, you are just so good! You put rejoicing in my mouth! Because I trust in you, I shall not want nor lack anything good. Please remind me to taste and see throughout the day. I give you all the glory and the honor! In Jesus’ name amen.


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She Sits At His Feet

God First! Christian Lifestyle Blog and ministry for women to dive into the Word of GOD. Founder and Executive of the Creative Wellness Project, a creative arts ministry. Located in Lewisville, TX and virtually! I am an artist and an author.

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