I Want to Change Careers but Don’t Want to go Back To College.

Millennials are the type to hop around and change careers when it comes to the places they work and what they do as a living, and why not? There are so many dope careers that people are doing and a world that is ever growing and ever expanding. We are definitely the type of people that need more than just pay to keep us at our current job.

Don’t feel like reading, skip down to HOW TO CHANGE CAREERS without going to school

We need opportunities to be creative and explore. We need opportunities that will allow growth and flexibility. We want to feel needed and not tolerated. We need our voices to be heard. We don’t like to feel overworked or used.

We lean more to the side of innovators and that is so needed at this time!

We are some highly educated young individuals with many degrees or none, yet, we know how to do things because of the world wide web. For example, I have learned how to create website, social media marketing, career, exploration, resume writing, how to change a tire, how to write a book, how to create graphic designs, how to… how to… how to… and I am definitely not done learning… I also hold a master’s degree in Educational Leadership. So like I said, we are highly educated and always learning. Some of the setbacks that we have when it comes to career change is the amount of FORMAL EDUCATION.

Many of us are surrounded with debt which keeps us from going back to school to earn another degree just so that we can apply for other jobs.I remember about 10 years ago, I listened to this older woman, maybe 60 years old, speak to a bunch of 17-25 year olds about careers and she said, “I have changed careers three times without having to go to school.” My first thought was, ONLY 3? I was 25 and had already hopped around trying to find my footing. But the biggest thing that stood out was that she moved WITHOUT going back to school. I wanted to know more!

See, I was trying to land a career job in the last semester of college. I partnered with my current job at Macy’s to work on different projects that I was doing with my school. My undergrad degree was business admin and I so wanted to work in the corporate field. I kept talking to my supervisor and her supervisor… they kept saying good job and where is your resume… So I gave it to them.

Macy’s at the time had this really cool internship program and I wanted to be part of it. For seasons of intern programs, I watched them come through and eat at my restaurant, the restaurant that I worked at for 3 years, and I saw no one that looked like me.

I kept giving my resume, I showed them my grades, I kept asking questions and yet, I only heard, “We have your resume”.

I was irritated, I knew that this glass ceiling that separated my melanated skin from the nonmelanated was thick yall! This was one of my first huge life lessons of being black in a white world. I was like damn, they told me to go to college, they told me I needed this degree, they said don’t worry about the loans, they said they can never take your education away, they said once you graduate everything will be fine… yet… I was not fine.

I was a super senior in college, first generation and a black 23-year-old trying to make it out here in life. I was ready to work, it took me 4 years to finally land a career making a decent salary. In those 4 years, I lived in Miami and participated in an AmeriCorps program. I was so changed by the work I did, I realized what I really wanted to do. I learned that I don’t have to get a Master’s Degree in the same arena as your bachelors, so I went back to school and earned a Master’s in Educational Leadership. I wanted to become a prinicipal.

After teaching, I no longer want to be a principal. I loved education and pretty much all my careers have been in the educational field.

Some things I have learned over the last four years with my blog is that I learned I love to write and EDUCATE. I learned that I love social media marketing and so much more. I have learned how to edit videos, make graphics, learned about marketing and more.

So as I think about my next career, I will think about everything I have done and the things that I love to do. I am currently in steps 3 and 4 of the process below!

How to Change Careers without Going to College

  1. Think about what you do now and why you are ready to move on. Be sure to write it down and be specific.
  2. Figure out what you want to do next! Who is in your role, what are they doing exactly that makes you want this particular role, and what are your reasons for wanting this role?
  3. Personal Inventory Check– What do you have that fits this particular career choice? What do you need that fits this particular career choice? Let’s plan it out!
  4. Building our knowledge and skills. There are so many resources that will allow us to learn online. Here are a few
    • Skillshare has tons of classes in a variety of industries- business, marketing, writing, and more.
    • Teachable- Similar to Skillshare, so many classes to take.
    • Audible– Listen to books on the go! They have the largest selection of audiobooks to choose from. Get a free month with TWO free books when you click my link.
    • Groupon always has discounted classes to take in specific areas
    • Google and YouTube university– once you know what you want to learn, search specific terms and there will be a plethora of resources to help. I learned how to create a link at the top of the page to bring you down to the specific content just last night!
    • People that are experts sharing their knowledge online! You know those courses in business, marketing, and so much more! They offer some amazing information. Be sure to do your research on them!
  5. You may just need a certificate if you already have a degree. Certifications are definitely a game changer. Maybe your job will pay for the extra learning or you can seek out foundations that will help pay. I know, the foundation that supports our school district provides grants to educators that want to learn something new, the only catch is that you have to continue working in that industry but probably for a short amount of time.
  6. Begin adding skills to your resume. I did a mix between a functional resume and a chronological so that I can share the skills that I do have that weren’t tied to the previous careers that I had.
  7. Network with people in those fields and just talk to people! Putting yourself out there will help you build connections. I asked a lady, “How do I get into that field?” she replied, “You just have to know someone.” Closed mouths don’t get fed! Shamelessly promote yourself and ask tons of questions.
  8. Keep going until the doors begin opening up! Keep applying, keep learning, keep talking! It will not happen overnight but when it does happen, you will be ready!

When I moved to Dallas from Minneapolis, I definitely was in the changing of careers mindset. Although I didn’t go to school to be a teacher, there were opportunities called, Alternative Routes to Teaching. I already had the degree, I just needed the certification. I paid a deposit, and once I landed a job, I paid a monthly fee to pay the remaining $4000. Sounds like a lot, but instead of going back to school to earn another Bachelors degree in Education would have taken 4 years and probably $100,000.

Now with teaching, I can continue to take tests to get certified in multiple areas. So if I get tired of teaching English, I can go and get my Business and Marketing Certification and teach that.

I hope this helps you as you continue your journey to a new career or even your first career.

What are some of your struggles? What is holding you back?

Bougie University is helping people design a life they love in all areas and they love the career changers! So if interested, sign up for their program and get the one on one and step by step guidance.

Be sure to share with others!

Peace and Blessings!

Change Careers
Change Careers
Black Speakers

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She Sits At His Feet

God First! Christian Lifestyle Blog and ministry for women to dive into the Word of GOD. Founder and Executive of the Creative Wellness Project, a creative arts ministry. Located in Lewisville, TX and virtually! I am an artist and an author.

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