God Wants Us To Enjoy and LIVE This Life

I am a College and Career Coach and talk with many high school students, especially about careers. I enjoy my job, however, I am not a fan of the unwritten rules that students should know precisely what they want to do and go straight to college. Now there are students that have their minds made up and have their plans set in place, which is excellent! Though, the idea that you should know and stick with it can be stressful for young and old people. Do you know how many people older than me still do not know what they want to do with their life? I think it is because our life isn’t linear and that we were forced to choose at a young age but truly had no idea what the path looked like.

I will speak about myself, I had no idea what I wanted to do but was highly encouraged to go to college. While in college, I changed my major 5 times. Then I went to explore. I did two years in an AmeriCorps program in Miami and that experience made me realize I was called to teach so I went to go get my Master’s degree in Education. I then worked in education and educational organizations for 12-plus years. Then I realized I had a passion for art and creative writing but I already had 6-figures of debt from student loans so instead of going back to school, I took alternative educational routes. Then I said, I want to be a bookstore owner! So I did that. Now I want to pursue my creative passions, so I started that!

One of my favorite people to change their whole career and become successful at it was Ken Jeong. He was a Physician, and you know how much school and dedication that takes! Now he is a successful comedian and actor.

Photo From Jessica Chou for Variety

See, life isn’t so linear especially if you are living and experiencing life. When you are exposed to something new, it might make a shift or turn your trajectory which is perfectly fine. The issue is that we think we are supposed to find one thing and stick with it and many that do are maybe not miserable but definitely not satisfied. I just want to encourage you at whatever age you are that you can indeed do something different or new. Or maybe do what you wanted to do as a child but were discouraged from doing so.

We have been conditioned to do as the world sees fit for our lives instead of listening and leaning on the Lord for guidance. The world puts us in these boxes that we are supposed to check off if not, then we are seen as rebels. Although the world may see believers as living in a box, it in fact is the total opposite. There is so much freedom as a Christian. God has given us gifts, talents, and purpose. He also delights in what we love and wants us to indulge in our passions. He didn’t create robots, he created humans with feelings, thoughts, emotions, interests, and more. If he wanted a world of robots, then Adam and Eve and all the animals and living things would look a whole lot different.

I write this as I reflect on my day. I spent the afternoon sharing my gift with the world, well a small community. I set up my art, books, and other things that I created. This was after I made it up in my mind that I was all in, wanting to do my creative ministry and be an amazing entrepreneur. Here I am, in my late 30s starting a new phase in my life after already so many different phases and I am just too excited about it! The key thing with starting something new is not putting your toe in the water but just diving in and trusting God to lead the way. Life is all about faith, the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. If we live the opposite of faith, where we are scared to trust in God or we want to be in control of everything, then you my friend have just put yourself in a box labeled “How the world wants me to live” and that is not what God wants for our life.

God didn’t say to live under a rock! Just because He said you are in the world but not of the world doesn’t mean that He wants you to live a bland, saltless life.

Scriptures That Prove God Wants Us To Live and Explore This Life

Command those who are rich in this present world not to be arrogant nor to put their hope in wealth, which is so uncertain, but to put their hope in God, who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment. I Timothy 6:17 NIV

Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart.  Psalm 37:4  NIV

Go and enjoy choice food and sweet drinks, and send some to those who have nothing prepared. This day is holy to our Lord. Do not grieve, for the joy of the Lord is your strength.  Nehemiah 8:10 NIV

The blameless spend their days under the Lord’s care, and their inheritance will endure forever.  In times of disaster they will not wither; in days of famine they will enjoy plenty.  Psalm 37:18-19 NIV

Tell the righteous it will be well with them, for they will enjoy the fruit of their deeds. Isaiah 3:10 NIV

God has delivered me from going down to the pit, and I shall live to enjoy the light of life.  Job 33:28 NIV

God Wants Us To Explore

No matter how old you are or what responsibilities you have, you will always have your Father that has all power in His hands. So if you want to explore, if you want to find time to do something, pray to God and ask Him to give you inspiration and wisdom. Ask Him to give you time and opportunities. But you also have to let go and let God. You have to let go of needing to be in control. There is so much greatness but if you are so focused and in your box then you won’t see all the beauty out there!

God Wants Us To Embrace the Beauty!

@cicelyrenee #creatives who started later in life, there is space for you! #lateinlifer #spaceforyou #artistsoftiktok ♬ original sound – CicelyRenee


What are some things that you want to explore? How can you add that to your life?

What things do you want to give to God so that you are no longer in control?


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She Sits At His Feet

God First! Christian Lifestyle Blog and ministry for women to dive into the Word of GOD. Founder and Executive of the Creative Wellness Project, a creative arts ministry. Located in Lewisville, TX and virtually! I am an artist and an author.

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