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  • Solo Retreat: Why You Need One and How to Have One

    Solo Retreat: Why You Need One and How to Have One

    Hey beautiful people!  Over the weekend, I planned a Solo Retreat and it was definitely needed! You are probably wondering what a Solo Retreat is, it is comparable to a sabbatical… But no need to plan a trip that takes 6 months, a year, or even a week! A couple of hours one weekend is…

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  • Hosting Small Intimate Gatherings Is the New Black

    Hosting Small Intimate Gatherings Is the New Black

    Hosting Small Intimate Gatherings Is the New Black       Hey beautiful people, One of my goals this past year was to host small and intimate gatherings for a few reasons: To connect better with people on a deeper level Because I love hosting parties and hanging out with people Less noise more conversation…

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  • Photo Diary: Travel Charleston, SC Trip Review

    Photo Diary: Travel Charleston, SC Trip Review

    I recently traveled to Charleston, South Carolina  and was just in awe of all its beauty! To be honest, I didn’t know much about the place, I do however, just hearing about the public apology the city played during slavery. As well as the church massacre that happened by a white supremasist. Also, college students…

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About Me

Hello beautiful people!

I am so excited that you are here! I am a creative woman of faith sharing the Good News through creative outlets! I am an educator, artist, and author. I love teaching so you will be seeing a lot of workshops virtually and in person!

I love journaling, traveling, and hanging with my dog. I live the the DFW area.

God’s Promises