7 Things I Learned When I Ditched the Rules

Rules both spoken and unspoken can hold someone hostage beyond belief. Rules, expectations, and boundaries were designed to keep you controlled and in a box. Rules such as, graduate high school, go to college, get a career, start a family, retire… rules such as not wearing white after labor day, not wearing stripes if a larger person, etc. Rules such as not dating after you just got divorced, or can’t even get a divorce, date someone 10 years younger than you (Depending on your age). I learned that some rules are meant to be broken in order for you to truly live a purpose-filled life.

Now rules and laws are totally different things, however, I still believe that many of the laws are unjust and needs to be changed, but the others are there for safety and protection. I GET THAT! But it is the rules that are a mere opinion that gets me upset.

Although I am still learning how to break the rules, I still have noticed some things. I want to share things I have learned when I ditched the rules.

Coloring Outside the Lines Is So Much More Fun

I am a self-taught watercolorist… I have been comparing my paintings to others that have been doing it all their lives. Then I look at art that makes no sense at all in my eye but is selling for $1,000’s + I was like who said art has to look and be a certain way? I realized I am who I am, there is no one like me and I cannot be like anybody else. I was tired of thinking my art had to look and be a certain way before I could call it art.

Merely Existing Aint My Style

I realized when you play by the rules, you are playing it safe, you do what you do just to survive. If you personally know me, you know that I hate getting into trouble which more than likely, I am following the rules. But I watched others play by their own rules and life seemed so less stressful. What it was is that they found their sweet spot… doing just enough to not get in trouble but still live their best lives.

Your Demeanor Changes

Something about ditching the rules changes how you do things and people notice. They notice in a good way. I like to think of it as being a Rebel with a Cause! Your chest sticks out more, you stand taller, and you speak with such confidence that everyone stops to listen.

People Expect You To Be Miserable Just Like and With Them

I remember telling a friend of mine that I was dating a certain guy after my divorce and they had SOOOO many opinions about my life. “You can’t do that, you just got divorced.” “You are just on a rebound, it’s not going to last.” More opinions… more opinions… Single they were… and single they wanted me to be.

People Begin to Feel Threatened and Do Things to Block You

You ever just have a coworker get so threatened by all your greatness and all the things you are doing differently so they start throwing you under the bus, calling you out, and being just a b*tch? Yea, when you ditch the rules before they even thought about it… they will not be happy. They see your success and are so stuck in their “You can’t do that, it is against the (unspoken) rules” that they just do everything they can to rock your boat.

I’m a Unicorn

I have been feeling like an alien lately as is I do not belong in any specific group. I try to fit in, I try to abide by certain rules and it irritates me to the core. Because I am a woman, I am supposed to do this and that…. because I am a Christian I am not supposed to do this or that… I wrote a post saying, “I think I am an alien… or maybe I am a unicorn” feeling rare but feeling more at peace with the idea that I was born to stand out and be different.

Change Your Trajectory

The quote, “Well-behaved women rarely make history” comes to mind, thinking about all the people that dared to be different, break the rules, challenge the laws and expectations changed not only their life but the lives of others. Who knows, I plan on teaching for a while, but if I continue coloring outside the line, who knows what the future holds, I could end up being the next big Oprah!

I don’t know about you, but I am tired of playing it safe. Of course, I will not be out here breaking laws and being frivolous with my rule-breaking self!

What about you? Do you color outside the lines? Do you live up to others’ expectations? Do you want to live more boldly? Let me know in the comments!

Here are some quotes you can share on IG and Facebook!

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She Sits At His Feet

God First! Christian Lifestyle Blog and ministry for women to dive into the Word of GOD. Founder and Executive of the Creative Wellness Project, a creative arts ministry. Located in Lewisville, TX and virtually! I am an artist and an author.

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