4 Hacks To Maximizing Your Creative Journey

Operation Full Time Creative- the creative journey, that is what I am on and I couldn’t be less scared and excited at the same time. If you, like me, want to create for life, then three words for you: Intentional Strategic Faith.

Let’s talk! I began this journey, 6 years ago, not really having a plan. In fact, I wanted security. With that security came stress, an unfulfilled life, angst, boredom, and more. Security for me was a check that came monthly as I worked 60 hours at work and at home for my 9-5 and I just was not happy. But, the money, the mindset was, use this job to fund your passion. But the issue was I didn’t have the time nor the energy to do my passion. I did but at the lowest levels ever.

It wasn’t until the pandemic, where my mind began to clear and I made a vow to not let work stress me out. Fast forward, back to work and It hit me, strategies, ideas, and more and I was ready.

I hit a roadblock though, I was creating anxiety and letting my dreams scare me. Someone once said, “If your dreams don’t scare you, then they aren’t big enough.” I started to get into my head and began to make my dream more accessible and chewable but then I was like, we are not about to let fear stop greatness. I started to think about my Power Word for 2021, a power word to keep me going in the midst of chaos and adversity. My word presented itself, “Faith”. I knew I was taking a leap of faith and on a faith walk with my creative journey.

Even with that word though, I knew that faith without works was dead. But I was still putting in the works but noticed how all over the place I was and because of that, I started shrinking myself and my goals. We couldn’t let that happen though! My brain kept questioning everything and then just as my power word presented itself, the plan did also. Not necessarily THE plan, but how to go about the plan. Intentional Strategic Faith. Yes, might seem like work, but that is the purpose. If I am going to make this creative journey happen, I have to be smart about the work that I do.

I started making lists and planning out what I needed to do first and then adding what I wanted to do.

So in order for us to have Intentional Strategic Faith, here are my hacks.

4 Hacks To Maximizing Your Creative Journey

1: Prayers/Meditations to have an open heart and mind to be inspired. You know when they say, if you look for problems, you will find it? Well, the same with inspiration.

2: Create things for you and from your heart. I struggled to create things I thought people wanted but it just went against my soul and proved to be disingenuous. Sure, that might make more money but then it is like you are back working for someone else and feeling empty by the time you have time to create what you love.

3: Find your accountability partner. My sis/friend who is on the same journey, the creative journey as a full-time creative, the similar interests help when you have questions, asking for advice, and most of all challenging each other and holding them accountable. I remember talking to people asking for help but their dreams and mine clashed, so everything they offered never helped and in fact hurt. Check my girl out, Shay Design Studio.

4: Don’t waste time. When you get that spark, that enlightenment, that inspiration jump on it. Don’t let that excitement pass by without at least acknowledging it. Plan it, think about it, write it out, and then see if it is something to pursue or to let go of.

Here are some updates on my Creative Journey.

Let me know your thoughts in the comments!

What part of your journey are you on? What do you need support in?

Check Out the Manifesting Blog Post.

Check out Kindred Creatives Art and Literary Press and the bookstore!

Peace and Blessings,


Creative Journey
Creative Journey

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She Sits At His Feet

God First! Christian Lifestyle Blog and ministry for women to dive into the Word of GOD. Founder and Executive of the Creative Wellness Project, a creative arts ministry. Located in Lewisville, TX and virtually! I am an artist and an author.

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